Q: These new leaves shoot and then go brown as though they dry and dying. The strange thing is these leaves are new and they go brown straight after shooting. Should we trim the dead shoots on this?
A: Scale insects, use Confidor or Koinar with wetting agent
Cycads should get water 2 to 3 times a week
The other plants with dead points on the pinnas is most proberly old leaves. Could be hail damage or scale insects at the bottom of the leaves suckking the nutrients out of the leaves causing them to go yellow at the top of the pinnas If you trim them it's the easiest way to get rid of the scale insects, if you trim them early in the growing season they will make a new flush of leaves in the same season
Q: Die is n short leaf Heenen.... is dit normaal soos met Ugene dat die blare afgaan voor dit nuwe blare maak ? Of moet ek worry...🤔
A: Hulle kan so maak, gooi net nog grond by, lyk die suier staan bo die grond, moet ten minste helfte of 2 degrees onder die grond wees, hy trek swaar en droog uit as hy bo die grond geplant is 😁😎😎😎
Q: Is this cycad sick?
A: This cycad most proberly not "siek" pic not to good, I would say lack of water and old leaves, the suckers looks good with new leaves, the cycads with suckers the suckers will always make new flush of leaves and then the mother plant will make leaves, cycads must get water 2 ce a week and on their stems as well.
Cycads only grow in mountains where the humidity is just about 100% the whole year long with a lot of mist, which the cycad catches mist on the stem as well !!!
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